Tuesday, December 14, 2004

0043 Pics coming...

Several lovely photos from a recent visit to New York City are on the way. Unfortunately I (at this point, I posted some very nasty things about my place of employment. It was all true, but I was given good advice by a friend to maybe remove the worst parts. And so, I have. Plenty of frustration and anger left though!)those of us on the lowest rungs can pass along stories about the mediocrity that's killing journalism. A soldier in Iraq sent us pics of flag draped coffins piled in a transport. WE ran the shot of him smiling in front of his tent. Bush is virtually suspending the Bill of Rights, journalists under arrest for not revealing their sources, but please, lets lead with another fucking Trump story. Anything else we can write about white rich whores or white wife killers, or anything WHITE and DIRTY. The red state fucks sure like their DIRTY stories. The moral fucking majority. At least the Romans knew who they really were...
Sorry friends.
A return to ambiguous images shortly.